Bernard Stiegler, Philosopher

Photo of Bernard Stiegler.

Bernard Stiegler, Philosopher

"Attentional Forms: Relational Ecology and The Digital Pharmakon"
Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

Bernard Stiegler is Director of the Department of Cultural Development at the Centre Georges-Pompidou and a founding member of the political and cultural group Ars Industrialis. In a series of books that include Time and Technics vols. 1-3, For a New Critique of Political Economy, and Acting Out, Stiegler develops a critical theory of how modern media technologies and the present, consumerist form of capitalism are bringing about the destruction of individual and collective forms of subjectivity. In this lecture, he will consider how critical intelligence can be renewed in an era when attention and cognitive focus are being radically dissipated by new media technology.