<em>When the Gun is Raised, Dialogue Stops: Women’s Voices from the Kashmir Valley</em>

When the Gun is Raised, Dialogue Stops: Women’s Voices from the Kashmir Valley

Photographs by Avenali Resident Fellow Sheba Chhachhi and Sonia Jabbar
Thursday, Feb 17, 2005 12:00 am -
Department of Art Practice Exhibit Room, 235 Kroeber Hall

This photo installation by Chhachhi and Sonia Jabbar invites viewers to enter the private life of war, to hear voices often obscured by the clamor of stereotypes—the unheard voices of ordinary women of the Kashmir Valley. Testimonies gathered over six years break through the homogenizing divide of “Muslims” versus “Hindus.” Despite many differences, the women have one overwhelming thing in common: a rejection of the gun as a solution to political issues.