Against the Uprooted Word

Against the Uprooted Word Book Cover

Against the Uprooted Word

Giving Language Time in Transatlantic Romanticism
Tristram Wolff
Stanford University Press

In this revisionist account of romantic-era poetry and language philosophy, Tristram Wolff recovers vibrant ways of thinking language and nature together. Wolff argues that well-known writers including Phillis Wheatley Peters, William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Henry David Thoreau offer a radical chronopolitics in reaction to the "uprooted word," or the formal analytic used to classify languages in progressive time according to a primitivist timeline of history and a hierarchy of civilization. 

Before the bad naturalisms of 19th-century race science could harden language into place as a metric of social difference, poets and thinkers tried to soften, thicken, deepen, and dissolve it. This naturalizing tendency made language more difficult to uproot from its active formation in the lives of its speakers.

 And its "gray romanticism" simultaneously gives language different kinds of time —m ost strikingly, the deep time of geologic form — to forestall the hardening of time into progress. Reorienting romantic studies to consider colonialism's pervasive effects on theories of language origin, Wolff shows us the ambivalent position of romantics in this history. 


The author was a Townsend Fellow in 2012-13.