Lucinda Barnes

Lucinda Barnes

Museum Fellow
Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive

Lucinda Barnes, Chief Curator and Director of Programs and Collections, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, did graduate work at USC on the development and evolution of Constructivism, from its inception in Russia in the early 20th century to its propagation throughout Europe and the US between WWI and WWII. Her BAM/PFA exhibition Measure of Time explored some of these themes, extending her investigation to later 20th century art as well as works involving new and experimental media. In addition, Barnes has organized a wide range of exhibitions focusing on the strength and scope of Berkeley Art Museum collections, including Turning Corners (an exhibition focusing on aspects of innovation and experimentation); Near and Far (looking at world art of the nineteenth century); The Subject is Art: 1400-1800; Fast Forward (an exhibition highlighting recent acquisitions), and Hans Hofmann: The UC Berkeley Art Museum Collection, which is touring nationally and internationally.