Michael Lucey
Professor Michael Lucey holds a joint appointment in the Departments of French and Comparative Literature and is an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies. His work focuses on French, British, and American literature and culture in the 19th- and 20th-centuries, with emphasis in the fields of critical and social theory and sexuality studies, as well as studies of the novel. Among his publications are Never Say I: Sexuality and the First Person in Colette, Gide, and Proust; The Misfit of the Family: Balzac and the Social Forms of Sexuality; and Gide’s Bent: Sexuality, Politics, Writing. Professor Lucey was also the founding director of Berkeley's Center for the Study of Sexual Culture. The working title of his current project is Someone: The Pragmatics of Misfit Sexualities in French Literature, 1930-2000, of which an excerpt entitled “Simone de Beauvoir and Sexuality in the Third Person” recently appeared in Representations.