Shannon Jackson
Shannon Jackson is Goldman Professor in Rhetoric and Theater, Dance, and Performance, as well as the Director of the Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley. Her most recent book is Social Works: Performing Art, Supporting Publics (2011). Previous work has explored the relation between performance and Progressive Era social reform (Lines of Activity, 2000) and between performance and the disciplines of higher education (Professing Performance, 2004). She has coordinated numerous community art projects and artist residencies with support from the Walter and Elise Haas fund, the Creative Work fund, UCIRA, the San Francisco Foundation, the LEF Foundation, amongst others. Professor Jackson is currently working on a book on performance and new media in the work of The Builders Association (forthcoming from M.I.T. Press) as well as a large edited collection of keywords in cross-disciplinary art practice with the Pew Center for Art and Heritage.