The Townsend Center provides small grants for partial funding of public conferences, lectures, and symposia taking place at UC Berkeley.
Priority will be given to proposals that directly involve Berkeley faculty and graduate students in the arts and humanities. Proposals from all fields are welcome. The Center will also take into account the desire to achieve an equitable distribution of awards among campus units.
Funding for the program is provided by the Doreen B. Townsend Endowment at the Townsend Center for the Humanities, and the Hugo Bonwit and Heinrich Heine Memorial Lecture Fund at the Arts and Humanities Dean's Office.
- Applications must be submitted in advance of the event. Events that occur before the deadline for application will not be considered for funding.
- There are four application deadlines per year, and applications will not be considered off-cycle. An application received after one funding deadline will be placed in the pool for the next deadline, provided the event will not have taken place by then.
- Events that are closed to the public, require an admission fee, or take place outside the UC Berkeley campus will not be considered for funding.
- Ongoing/recurring events and named lecture series are not funded by this program.
- Meetings of professional organizations that take place on the Berkeley campus will be considered for funding on a one-time basis only.
- Please note that Townsend Center support is limited to the transfer of the awarded funds and does not include any event services — such as logistical assistance or publicity — even when the event takes place at the Townsend Center.
UC Berkeley faculty, staff, and students at all levels.
Awards range from $200-500 for lectures and up to $2000 for large conferences.
Please submit your application online using this link: