Symposium on the Imagination

Natura Morta, 1956, Giorgio Morandi

Symposium on the Imagination

Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

What is the imagination? How does it work? What are its manifestations, across cultures and time — in India, China, Europe?

We invite you to join us for a conversation exploring the riches of the imagination among scholars of literature, music, philosophy, history, anthropology, and religion.


Charles F. Altieri, English, UC Berkeley

David Bates, Rhetoric, UC Berkeley

Amy Hollywood, Harvard Divinity School

Victoria Kahn, English and Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley

Maria Mavroudi, History and Classics, UC Berkeley

Anand Pandian, Anthropology, Johns Hopkins

David Shulman, Asian Studies and Comparative Religion, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mary Ann Smart, Music, UC Berkeley

Sanjay Subrahmanyam, History, UCLA

Jane Taylor, Drama and Theater Studies, University of Leeds

Paula Varsano, East Asian Languages & Cultures, UC Berkeley

Elliot Wolfson, Religious Studies, UC Santa Barbara

The tentative schedule for the Symposium may be viewed here.


Cosponsored by the Institute for South Asia Studies.