Animation/Reanimation: New Starts in Eternal Recurrence

Una’s Lecturer Catherine Malabou is professor of philosophy at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University in London. Her four-week seminar will focus on a central question: If we were to start our life anew, would we choose to live the same life or would we opt for a totally new one? Inscribed at the heart of both Platonic and Nietzschean philosophies, this question opens to topics of memory, repetition, erasure and change. It also addresses the ethical problem of self-improvement as well as that of the absence of any possible transformation of the past. This seminar will invite professors from other disciplines to contribute to the debate using literature, anthropology, film, etc. as archival supports to elaborate on the central question.
This Spring 2014 seminar is cross-listed in Rhetoric, Pyschology and Comparative Literature and is open to UC Berkeley graduate students. This course will meet on Wednesdays, 5-8pm, April 2-April 23, 2014. For current enrollment information, including class time and location, please consult the individual departments.