The Senses of Democracy: Perception, Politics, and Culture in Latin America

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The Senses of Democracy: Perception, Politics, and Culture in Latin America

Francine Masiello
Berkeley Book Chats

Francine Masiello (Comparative Literature and Spanish & Portuguese) examines the representation of the senses during moments of crisis in Latin America from the early nineteenth century to the present. In The Senses of Democracy: Perception, Politics, and Culture in Latin America (Texas, 2018), she traces the evolution of “sense work” in literary texts, the visual arts, periodical culture, and history. She argues that when the discourse on democracy is altered or threatened, the representation of our sensing bodies helps shape democratic practice and rebellion, cultural crisis, and social change.

Masiello is joined by Tom McEnaney (Comparative Literature and Spanish & Portuguese). After a brief discussion of the book, they open the floor for discussion.