What Can Digital Humanities Do For You?
What new avenues of inquiry are opened by digital tools and methodologies? How can you as an individual get started with incorporating these tools into your research?
Join us as we discuss current digital tools and methodologies with Marti Hearst (School of Information), Elizabeth Honig (Art History), Eric Kansa (IST) and Francsco Spagnolo (Magnes Collection), and participate in hands-on digital humanities workshops.
Panel Discussion
1:00-2:00 pm | 370 Dwinelle
Hands on Workshops
2:00-3:00 pm and 3:00-4:00 pm | Durant Hall (two locations)
- Quantum GIS for mapping (Durant 9)
- MALLET for topic modeling (Durant 120)
Each session lasts one hour and will be repeated. Click to RSVP to workshops (recommended)
Poster Session and Reception
4:00-5:00 pm | 350 Barrows
Presented by Townsend Center for the Humanities, College of Letters and Science –Arts & Humanities Division, Berkeley Center for New Media, Information Services and Technology (IST), and D-Lab