Why War?: "To Be Beside Oneself: A Phenomenology of Our Own Violence"
Elsa Dorlin is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1). She received her Ph.D in the History of Philosophy from Sorbonne University (Paris 4) in 2004. In 2009, she was awarded the Bronze Medal for research in philosophy by the CNRS (French National Center For Scientific Research). Her main field of research is the relation between body, violence and subjectivity in classical political theory, the historical epistemology of sex and race in medical thought and queer and feminist studies. She is the author of several books including, La Matrice de la race: généalogie sexuelle et coloniale de la Nation Française, (La Découverte, 2006) and Sexe, genre et sexualité: Introduction à la théorie féministe, (PUF, 2008) as well as numerous articles on medical definition of sexual and racial identities, on the French veil debate, on Foucault, on Fanon and post-colonial “mythologies.” She is currently working on a book concerning Frantz Fanon, Black philosophy, and self-defense.
Part of the Why War? Seminar Series.