Hiding in Plain Sight: The Pursuit of War Criminals from Nuremberg to the War on Terror
Eric Stover is Faculty Director of the Human Rights Center and Adjunct Professor of Law and Public Health in the School of Law, UC Berkeley.
Victor Peskin is Associate Professor in the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University and Research Fellow at the Human Rights Center, School of Law, UC Berkeley.
Alexa Koenig is Executive Director of the Human Rights Center and Lecturer in Residence in the School of Law, UC Berkeley.
Stover, Peskin, and Koenig tell the story of the global effort to apprehend the world’s most wanted war criminals. Their book follows the flight and pursuit of high-level war crimes suspects from Nazis to President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, Liberian warlord Charles Taylor, and the Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Hiding in Plain Sight explores the range of diplomatic and military strategies—both successful and unsuccessful—that states and international courts have adopted to pursue those suspected of war crimes.
After an introduction, Stover, Peskin, and Koenig speak briefly about their work and then open the floor for discussion.